There are three inscriptions in the Church which are as follows:
That in the latter end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, one William Mountague of this hamlet did, on behalf of the inhabitants, purchase two Butts of land in North Field, commonly called Church
Butts, and one Island or Ayte, called Linnings Ayte, with Water and Land covered with water, part of ye River Thames called Chapell water, for y yearly reparation of this Chapell, which was received
and paide accordingly: But another William Mountague having for Ninteen years, detained y premises to his own use, Rch Bennet, Hum Clark, Wm Oliver and Ion Appelby, in behalf of the Hamlet fued for
the fame, and obtained a Decree for ye Land and Water from Rch Winwood, Gor Evelin, Wm Sergeant Esq and Nicholas Salter, Gent, in a Commission held under the Great Seal of England, dated at
Westminster May 30th 1676, and held at Eaton in January following purfuant to an Act of Parliament in the 43rd of Elizabeth, Intituted an Act to prevent fraud in Lands and given to Charitable usesas
may appear more at large by ye said Decree a copy of which is now in the hands of Ion Appelby 1707
Frank Regnld Church Corporal 4th Royal Berkshire Regt killed in action July 19 1916 at Ferme de Bois R.I.P
In honoured memory of L/Cpl Percy T R Evins. Royal Sussex Regt Aged 20
Pte William G Poole, Oxford & Bucks L.I. Aged 21
Formerly Choristers in this Church who gave their lives in the World War 1939 - 1945